Northampton Jazz Workshop features London, England based clarinetist Giacomo Smith Tuesday, August 28th, 7:30 to 8:30PM followed by an open jazz jam session until 10:30 PM at the The City Sports Grille at Spare Time Northampton, 525 Pleasant St., Northampton.

Hi All,
We have a special treat in store for us all next week; special because our guest soloist, clarinetist Giacomo Smith, born in Italy, raised in upstate NY and now living and working in London since 2011 will be fronting the trio on Tuesday. One of our regular audience members saw Giacomo at Django In June this year and said you just have to get him. Since he has family in Saratoga Springs, NY, I wrote him and, voila! Trained classically, he started focusing on jazz, trad and contemporary, while in London and has since reordered several CD's and worked in all the major London clubs. I guarantee you will be amazed by what sounds he can get from that little instrument; a full range of tones and dynamics and all done masterfully and musically. Can't wait and hope you can join us.

Also, the Vermont Jazz Center just released their new seasons schedule of concerts and it's packed with some great artists. The first offering is Etienne Charles and Creole Soul. Some of you may remember him from the Northampton Jazz Festival 4 years. He was our headliner and plays Caribbean influenced jazz at the highest level. Check out the whole schedule at:

And, new news from the 2018 Northampton Jazz Festival. The first offering of the Saturday, October 20th concerts will be the duet of Miro Sprague and vocalist Dominique Eade from Boston at the Click Workspace on Market Street. There's a nice piano there and this should be a very special concert.  Start time is 11AM and it is free to public. We are very excited to present them and many more that day. Go to our website for complete schedule at; or visit our FB page at:

Upcoming Guest Artists:
8/28 - Giacomo Smith on clarinet

9/4  -  Felipe Salles on saxes
9/11 - Green Street Quintet
9/18 - Jay Clayton on vocals
9/25 - Claire Daly on baritone sax

The concert set starts at 7:30, followed immediately by the jam session until 10:30. $5 per person room charge for the concert set. City Sports Grille at Spare Time Northampton, 525 Pleasant St., Northampton, MA. 413-584-4830
For photos and videos of past NJW shows and related news, events and buzz, please see (and Like us) on FB at: onJazzWorkshop 
Peace and Thanks,
Paul Arslanian


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