Northampton Jazz Workshop features violinist David Eure

Northampton Jazz Workshop features violinist David Eure Tuesday, September 19th, 7:30 to 8:30PM followed by an open jazz jam until 10:30 PM at the The City Sports Grille at Spare Time Northampton, 525 Pleasant St., Northampton.
Hi All,
This week we are pleased to have back one of the swinginist jazz violinists around today. This will be Boston based David Eure's second appearance as our guest soloist. He can go from sublime beauty and delicacy to screaming madness in matter of seconds and all the while in complete command of his instrument and swinging throughout.

I will be sending out another email soon about the Tom McClung memorial concert event that I am helping to produce happening on Sunday. It will contain a complete schedule of events and all the who's who and what and wheres. In the meantime, there is a very nice article about this event in todays Hampshire Gazette written by Ken Maiuri. You can also go to  Heart of Jazz in The Valley  FB page for lots great photos, videos and much more.

Upcoming Guest Artists:
9/19 -   David Eure on violin
9/26 -   Michael Rabinowitz on bassoon 

10/3  -  Kendra Shank on vocals
10/10-  Fred Haas on saxes
10/17 - Warren Chaisson - vibes
10/24 - Claire Daly - baritone
10/31 - Don Braden - tenor

The concert set starts at 7:30, followed immediately by the jam session until 10:30. $5 per person room charge. City Sports Grille at Spare Time Northampton, 525 Pleasant St., Northampton, MA. 413-584-4830
For photos of past NJW shows and related news, events and buzz, please see (and Like us) on FB at: onJazzWorkshop ​
Peace and Thanks,


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