Northampton Jazz Workshop features harmonica and vibes player Hendrik Meurkens
Hi All,
German born, NYC resident and monster chromatic harmonica player and vibes players (a very small and a very big instrument-go figure) who specializes in both straight-ahead jazz and totally straight ahead Brazilian music is our guest soloist next week. This will be Hendrik's fifth appearance and it's always a treat. Please join us for some great music from an internationally respected master and for some very dry and non-stop humor only Hendrik can come up with. http://hendrikmeurkens.c om/
Also, please join many of the jazz musicians, radio DJs and artists from the area to celebrate the life and music of Tom McClung and the many other musicians who have passed on and were an integral part of the Connecticut River Valley jazz scene. The event will be held at Gateway City Arts in Holyoke on Sunday, September 17th from 3-8PM. Attached is a poster for the event called "The Heart Of Jazz In the Valley" and will feature five hours of music and stories, archival videos, live painting, memorabilia and other surprises. Also attached is a tentative schedule of performers. There will be food and drink available to purchase and all donations (suggested $10-$25) will go towards a scholarship fund in Tom's name for young musicians, help for Tom's widow Anne in France and for post production costs of Tom's double CD recorded recently before his death in France. I have attached a poster and a somewhat completed schedule of performers. Hope to see you there and thanks to all the volunteers helping out for this very special event.
Upcoming Guest Artists:
9/12 - Hendrik Meurkens on vibes and harmonica
9/19 - David Eure on violin
9/26 - Michael Rabinowitz on bassoon
The concert set starts at 7:30, followed immediately by the jam session until 10:30. $5 per person room charge. City Sports Grille at Spare Time Northampton, 525 Pleasant St., Northampton, MA. 413-584-4830
For photos of past NJW shows and related news, events and buzz, please see (and Like us) on FB at: onJazzWorkshop
Peace and Thanks,
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