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New Poze Magazine Volume 25 Issue Set to Release This Week!
Who's Going to be on the Cover?
Have you applied for the cover yet? Here's your chance--Submit Now!
Listen to Paulette Triplett's single "I DON'T WANT TO BE A SINNER" Everyday on Poze Radio!
New Featured Artists on Poze Radio
Featured Artists Radio Station
New Artists Lineup
Remember, as long as you are a member, you can be featured every week on Poze Radio. Just send in your music to us
Poze Radio 2
Boochie Levi
Clifton Shoals Project
Julian Delabano
Belly Fat
Paqo Savage

VaMo Promotes The Top Celebrities in Hollywood!
Find out which stars have been aired on VaMo!
All of Hollywood is Reaching Out to VaMo!
Discover New Celebrity Interviews
Ready to join VaMo Membership?
Contact Vanessa at
Ask about the special promo of 50% OFF your First Month!
50% VaMo
Upcoming VaMo Album Release
KT Fireflame New Album "My World My Way"
to Release on August 25th
We Think All True Artists Deserve an Award for their Music--Don't You?
Apply for the XMAs Today for a Chance to Win a Real Award!
Apply With Only 3 Easy Steps!
Unsigned artists rarely get recognized for their great talent. We believe that these artists deserve more than the average exposure given to the everyday person who just like to sing on the run. These artists are hard-working musicians and it is our #1 goal to help them gain the exposure necessary to develop their music career. 
Being nominated for and/or winning an X-Poze-ing Music Award lifts your music career to a higher ground as you continue to gain exposure to music industry execs and fans across the nation. 
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