Hey TC,  

3 years ago, Philando Castile was pulled over while driving. I watched the Facebook live video as he was killed, with his fiancée and her toddler in the car. I'll never forget it, I wasn't even there and it felt like my heart was ripping open, I couldn't breathe, I cried all night. A few days later, the audio was released and you can hear the officer saying he's pulling the car over because the driver matched the description of a wanted robbery suspect who had a "wide set nose." Basically Philando is dead because he had wide nostrils. An evolutionary trait shared by most black people because of our ancestors who lived in hot climates. He died because he couldn't help being black. Couple that with the fact that I got teased for my nose growing up, family members kept pinching it to make it pointier, having a son who will also one day be a grown black man with a wide set nose, it hit me hard. We are more than stereotypes and hashtags. Afrocentric features are sublime and beautiful. I wrote a song about it. Then I wrote a whole album around that song - "Wide Nose Full Lips". Featuring my girl and the phenomenal spoken word artist Kerrie Joy on the song "Melanin", a stellar cast of musicians including the amazing Monique Brooks-Roberts who arranged and recorded strings, Wide Nose Full Lips is my journey toward embracing and loving myself, my skin, and knowing that I'm wonderfully and beautifully made. It's available right now and I hope you love it as much as I do ❤️  Download / listen to it at the links below, and let me know what you think; and definitely forward and spread the word, I LOVE YOU! 🖤💫✨

Album Release Party

The August 24th Album Release Party at the Soiled Dove is completely SOLD OUT! A second show was added, on Sunday August 25th at 7pm, so if you didn't get a chance to get tickets to the first one, make sure you get tickets to this one soon before it's too late! If you live anywhere near Denver, I would LOVE to see you - it's all ages so bring the family and tell your friends! (My next album release party will be in Washington, DC at the City Winery, if you've got people in the area, let em know) 🖤✨💫


Touring Calendar

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