Fresh Paint Springfield starts THIS SUNDAY!

Fresh Paint Springfield Starts THIS WEEK!
Join us for our first Paint Party!

The largest mural in Fresh Paint 2019 is being created by GoodSpace Murals with help from you! At the Fresh Paint Party, you will work alongside the artists on giant paint-by-number canvases which then get installed on the wall. No prior
experience is necessary. All ages and abilities are encouraged to
participate. Paint for as little or as long as you like. No need to RSVP,
just come ready to have fun with paint!

Sunday May 26th, 1pm – 3pm
on the North Lawn of the Springfield Museum Quadrangle
Learn more about Fresh Paint Events Springfield here!
Volunteer now
Our mailing address is:
127 State Street, Springfield Ma 01103

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Fresh Paint Springfield · 127 State Street · Springfield, MA 01103 · USA

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