UnityFirst.com: Workforce Talent Trends, Alice Walker, Dionne Warwick, Dr. Ariana Curtis and more

Happy New Year from UnityFirst.com ---
We salute the great work that you do and honor the stories that you share with us. Please continue to share your news, photos and opportunities via UnityFirst. com (jfondon@unityfirst.com) and find new success in 2019. We share these stories of history and success to inspire people around the world to stay the course and create the world you want to live in. Stay in touch so that we can create a more connected community with deep professional networks. Visit Janine Fondon on LinkedIN , Facebook and Twitter. Our hope is that YOU find opportunities to grow and information to share with others. Stay the course!

CLICK HERE for the video

Learn about the “Wanderer” One of the Last Slave Ships to Land in U.S.

Located on the southern end of this Georgia barrier island, the Wanderer Memory Trail is nestled along the banks of the Jekyll River, near the point where the Wanderer illegally came ashore on Nov. 28, 1858, with more than 400 enslaved Africans on board. Shown in the photo: The Geechee Gullah Ring Shouters, from coastal Georgia, perform during ceremonies opening the new "Wanderer Memory Trail" on Jekyll Island.

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