Northampton Jazz Workshop features saxophone and flutist Greg Abate Tuesday, October 23rd, 7:30 to 8:30PM followed by an open jazz jam session until 10:30 PM at the The City Sports Grille at Spare Time Northampton, 525 Pleasant St., Northampton.


Northampton Jazz Workshop features saxophone and flutist Greg Abate Tuesday, October 23rd, 7:30 to 8:30PM followed by an open jazz jam session until 10:30 PM at the The City Sports Grille at Spare Time Northampton, 525 Pleasant St., Northampton.

Hi All,
We are really looking forward to playing once again with Rhode Island saxophonist and flutist Greg Abate. He always lights up the stage with hard driving bop, gorgeous ballads and some pretty special flute playing. Here's a quote that says it best:    “Multi-saxophonist Greg Abate is a prime example of the ‘rear back and blow’ school of contemporary bop-based players. The tunes he writes or chooses are based on the kinds of changes that harmony-oriented jazzmen have favored since the beginning and he swings through them with an eager and easy virtuosity.” –David Franklin, Jazz Times       

Upcoming Guest Artists: 
10/23 - Greg Abate on sax and flute
10/30 - Gary Smulyan on bariton sax

11/6   - Jason Robinson on sax with a special all Monk set
11/13 - Marty Ehrlich on saxes and flute
11/20 - Roseanna Vitro on vocals
11/27 - Giacomo Gates on vocals

The concert set starts at 7:30, followed immediately by the jam session until 10:30. $5 per person room charge for the concert set. City Sports Grille at Spare Time Northampton, 525 Pleasant St., Northampton, MA. 413-584-4830
For photos and videos of past NJW shows and related news, events and buzz, please see (and Like us) on FB at: onJazzWorkshop 
Peace and Thanks,


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