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National and International Recording artist and songwriter, Angel Sessions

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Angel Sessions
“I’ve always had a love and passion for singing ever since I was a little girl. Touching the lives of others though my music inspires me to continue my journey for God’s glory until the end.” Angel Sessions
The road to success hasn’t been easy, but after 20 or more years in the music industry, Angel Sessions has proven she is in it to stay. Angel started out early on as an R&B recording artist. Before her first deal with Pittmoble/Ichiban records and Volt Records, Angel was traveling to Guam, performing at the Grammy’s pre-party’s in Los Angeles, and performing at the same venue with acts such as The Whispers, H-Town, Teena Marie, James Brown, Eric Benet and many more.
She performed also on many local Television stations in the Bay Area and was interviewed on local radio programs shows. Angel Sessions writes all of her own lyrics. “Ever since I can remember, I’ve always wrote songs of love to my heavenly Father. It was a gift God has given me along with the ability to sing.” Angel began singing in church. She was one of the lead singers that would perform a special song when called on. After years of local performances in the Bay area and the Los Angeles area, Angel was introduced to a producer/songwriter Fred Pittman that would take her career to the next level. In 1998, she signed a deal with Pittmoble Records distributed by Ichiban Records. She released her first album entitled “Introducing Angel”. Her first single release, “She was never her” got radio airplay on over 80 BDS stations
and was received well. The buzz about Angel was beginning to spread and many people in the music industry was hearing the name, Angel Sessions. Ichiban sold the company in 1999. Angel was introduced to the Vice President of Fantasy Records, Phil Jones.
Silke Berlinn/Damn Kids
Brooklyn, NY
United States
5 Members Silke Berlinn/Damn Kids
Silke Berlinn, retro-punk vocalist known for her exceptional vocal range and the famous bands with whom she has been associated
Andy Stover
Batesville, IN
United States
I am singer and song writer from Batesville, Indiana. I am 35 years old and have been in a relationship for 12 years. I live in a rural area outside of Batesville with my partner and 3 cats.
I have had a passion for music since I was a child. Music has always been an outlet for me and I found I was able to express myself through music. My exploration of music has helped define me as not only an artist, but the person I am today.
I have had many struggles in my life that have caused me to put music on the back burner. I got sober a little over 3 years ago and since then, I have completely reinvented myself as an artist, person, and human being. I now have much more clarity and have gained a confidence that I did not have in the past.
With this new confidence I have put together my first album "Rainy Afternoon". So far, the album has been well received. This album is very special and important to me as it is a result of all the hard work I have put into making myself a better person.
In addition to "Rainy Afternoon", I have begun work on my upcoming album "My World". I am scheduled to finish that album over the next 3-6 months.
Currently I play all the music, mix, and produce everything myself. It has been an adventure to say the least learning these other aspects of the music business. As I continue to gain notoriety, I hope to have a team to assist with the mixing and production of my music.
I want to thank everyone who has helped share my music! I want to thank POZE for featuring me on their radio station! I want to thank reverb nation for selecting my song "Rainy Afternoon" for curation. Most of all I want to thank my friends and family for their ongoing love and support each and every day.
Brazilian Princess
Sacramento, CA
United States

I was born in Brasilia, Brazil I was born with the worst form of cleft-palate cleft lip, a portion of my nose and lip was missing and I endured 25 years worth of reconstructive facial surgeries to normalize my facial features. When I was a year old I went to Canada as a baby. I endured child abuse as a child and was removed from my parents and put in multiple group homes from the ages of 11 until 17 years old. When I was 17 years old I signed myself out of being a crown ward which is the equivalent of being a ward of the state. When I signed myself out I raised myself on the streets in Canada. I was a 17 year old prostitute, stripper, escort and lived a horrible lifestyle of all kinds of sin. I was an alcoholic who was a friend to all the drug dealers but I never did drugs and never had the desire to. When I was 19 I found that I was pregnant so I started to go to the same church as the producer BOI1da who produced Drake. At that time that church was called Church without Limits. I found God I found true Life. Then when I was 24 I met someone online who was affiliated with a major label who said they would help me get signed. For about a year we skyped, emailed, etc. One year before coming to the United States I had my last and final facial surgery of normalizing my facial features. Myself and my then 6 year old son left Canada and ended up in Los Angeles, California in March of 2013 and endured the horrors of Human Trafficking for 8 months until my now ex-husband rescued us. Although rescued I ended up endured 3 years of hell with severe domestic violence. I ended up having 2 babies back to back by my now ex-husband in 2014 and 2015 and unfortunately because I was to weak to leave my now ex-husband I lost my 3 beautiful sons permanently. After losing my children and leaving my ex-husband I regained my strength to go back to do making music. I wrote this song "Street Love" to represent abused women everywhere. I will honour my oldest son whom I came out to the United States with and make it in this industry so that he knows that we did not come here in vain.
Rebecca Grace Silva
Rockland, MA
United States

I am a 23 year old singer-songwriter and actress!
I am passionate on sharing God's love with all through film and music!

Lacy Darryl Phillips aka THEUNCLEEARL

Springfield Gardens, NY
United States
Featured Guest and Performer
 Mary Lane Chicago Blues Legend 
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