Support TC Eckstein-Artists on Poze Radio-New Distribution Mingo The Poet-New VIP Calvin Allen...

 TC Eckstein

The American Heart Association's Heart Walk is right around the corner and your help is needed now more than ever!
I'm committed to doing all I can to help those affected by heart disease and stroke. I'm getting close to my fundraising goal. Will you please help me reach it?
I am walking and raising money in this inspirational event because I personally know some of the millions of Americans affected by heart disease and stroke (and you might too), and I want to do something about it. Since 1949, the association has contributed more than $3.2 billion for heart and stroke research that has led to recent breakthroughs such as clot-busting drugs and drug-eluting stents.
I hope I can count on you to support my fundraising efforts and the great work of the American Heart Association and American Stroke Association! Please make your donation by using the links provided. With your help I will be one step closer to reaching my goal!
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
Click here to visit my personal page.
If the text above does not appear as a clickable link, you can visit the web address:
Mingo The Poet's New Single "Gucci Louie Bandz" To Be Released April 24th
*Coming Soon to digital retail stores*

Poze Radio 2

  Poze VIP Radio #2
 VIP Poze Radio Line Up
Poze Radio VIP
Tonight On Poze Radio 
Ace Whitehot
Lisa Powell
Andy Stover
Midnight Silence Writing Productions
Kimothy Thomas
Britney Marie
Dollar Sign Da Vinci
Craig Ledford with The B.O.A.T
Monroe Da Great
Luie Lyric
LC Robinson
Mr. Puente
Glass Ground
Wicca Wednesday
SL Music:Siggas and Loso
DJ Galactic
Gina Jones

Remember, as long as you are a member, you can be featured every week on Poze Radio. Just send in your music to us at

Photo Shoot (Cara-Mel Trailer)

Ruby Leigh Pearson Performing at the George Portz Fiddle Contest and Bluegrass Show


Time: April 14, 2018 from 5pm to 10pm
Location: O'Fallon Knights of Columbus Hall
Street: Rt 50 East
City/Town: O'Fallon, IL
Event Type: musicshow
Organized By: George Portz
Latest Activity: 3 hours ago


For tickets contact:
George Portz: 618-632-1384
Tickets Adult $7.00    Children $3.50

VIP Calvin Allen Sets His New EP Release Date

My New Gospel R/B EP will be released in early May titled, "Have Anybody Over Here Seen My Jesus?" I will keep Poze updated on its possible earlier release.
 Please Welcome New VIP 


I'm an aspiring Musician, whom from a young age, raised in Atlanta was exposed and engaged into the composing of music by way of playing musical instruments (saxophone, Congos,guitar),etc. Singing in gospel choirs, selected high school DrumMajor. Overall, this has fueled my passion to signature my own sound and become an Independent Artist.
Midnight Silence Writing Productions
52 years old, American ,White/ Indian and Cowboy through and through. Been playing in writing music since I was knee-high to a grasshopper used to be the lead singer of dragon wolf and still am with MIDNIGHT SILENCE. Only now MIDNIGHT SILENCE WRITING PRODUCTIONS . I write books I have three published on Amazon right now in the process of four others. I write poetry, Jingles, songs ,music, books, short stories ,and crazy off-the-wall comedy skits. A written over 500 songs over 5000 poems and countless (HILLBILLY HILARIOUS 101 )comedy skits. My phrase is" CRAZY IS NOT JUST A WORD IT'S A WAY OF LIFE." Which means I am MHMR it helps and hurts my cause. I consider myself just a writer loves to jam. My music just has to come out of me. And if some one likes it in the meantime that's all good two. And if no one likes it, thank you for listening and you have a a wonderful life.
Brother Calvin Allen
Brother Calvin Allen is a Gospel songwriter/singer who has written, recorded, and distributed music on many platforms and music stores. His music is listed under the genre of Gospel, with the sound of R/B Funk Style instrumentation that induces audiences to relax while being uplifted and inspired by the lyrics. His music has a taste of "old-school" smooth sound that brings back the sounds of the 70s and 80s, while focusing on a melody that relates to today's listeners preference.
New Music 
Kimothy Tho'mas New RnB/Soul Single "Never Put a Rush on Love"..." height="1" width="1" alt="" class="CToWUd" />


caked up 

Music Rap Artist Torshanda loves to make people get up off they feet and dance. Being a role model showing the public that your dream does come true if you stay working on your goals. Music makes me feel good and I love to make people feel good.
Hay poze family check me out on twitter @Torshanda3 lets talk music!"

Congratulation to Artist Anthony Flake who has been enter into The Global Music Awards For His Orginal song "And It Happen"

  • Congratulation to Artist Anthony Flake who has been enter into The Global Music Awards For His Original song "And It Happen"
Visit Poze Productions/Poze Records Inc..FREE TO JOIN at:


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