Tonight on Talented Artists Radio

Tonight on Talented Artists Radio

VIP TC Eckstein, Vocalese
HQ sharp clarity PIC WIJSF- TC Ecksten V Oct 2015

TC Eckstein, Vocalese is a Jazz , Neo-Soul /Hip Hop, Inspirational, Multi-Genre SOLO/ COLLABORATIVE Multi-Music Award Winning Recording Artist with Studio Rebels/ POZE Records and VIP Artist / Partner. Ambassador to Black Women In Jazz & the Arts Division (WMASS/ Northeast ) . Host at Focus Springfield Community TV for TC ECKSTEIN'S 413 COMMUNITY CAFE VIA:COMCAST. Produced by Nathaniel Patterson of Solo Productions.
Nu-Soul Collective Associate. A Lead Vocalist: Rick Eckstein Jazz Quintet/The Kevin Sharpe Group/Avery Sharpe Extended Family Choir/ Solo Perform/ Recordings! Favorite Quote: Hebrews Ch:11 Faith is The Substance...
Joel 2:13 Return to The Lord your God....
(" Just have to check it out"!)
* ♫•*¨*•.¸¸Ƹ̵̡?
I am very Blessed to be a part of the musician world of POZE PRODUCTIONS. I look forward to networking with musicians as I am a SOLO recording artist working with Studio Rebels I am Grateful For Much Of The Love n Motivational Support of my Sister/Cousins Charlotte Carolle and Arnaldo, Dakota, Lily-Almonte and Gary Eckstein.
I Fell in Love with Music since infancy, My Parents told me It was the only thing that soothed me and gave me vivid beautiful dreams as I grew and it became my place of Tranquility and Equilibrium. I have had a love relationship with God and Music that no other relationship could ever rise above. No matter what was going on in my life music always had a place that gave me wholeness, self expression and self-esteem since early Childhood.
My Journey throughout the music business has for most of my life been one of performing and developing my Craft for God and Inspiring others. Born Theresa Eckstein , a native of Springfield, MA I Have been pursuing Music since 8 yrs old and earlier at home under direct training from my Father/Brother:Robert/Richard Eckstein 32 yrs veteran and mentor of WTCC radio 90.7 fm Great Black Music Jazz and trained in Music/Dance @ at Dunbar Music Community Program under Frank Hatchett and Souliman Music Director. I've been involved throughout all my schooling years in Church Choir, Community Music School and Youth Choir Directing etc, Later adding Top 40 bands and recording my first 2 Singles on the Physical Attraction CD Project and prior to that recorded with Ross Cogman Freestyle Music and R&B. My Jazz Movement grew in 2010 with the urging of my son to write more.
Having been led into the music industry via way of top artists who recognized my gifts and throughout my life has helped me too maintain consistency with creating music which in turn strengthened my knack for poetry and songwriting and now I've ventured out on Solo and Collaborative Projects.
My advice for any up and coming artists is to self , invest, promote and stay motivated no matter what. Never give up on your goals when you know deep down in your gut you will succeed and are the real deal. Utilize Social Media and the internet Professionally, never get caught up in tabloid like conversations, Be above that and stay Classy. Be ready to accept the negative and the positive and know in your soul attention is what counts, but how you carry yourself is and should reflect all about the good qualities they love in your music.
I don't see music as Male dominated anymore, Women are making great strides and nothing can compare to a woman's pouring her heart into song and words of strength that can identify with other women. A man can't do it quite like a woman or sing a love song to a man she loves. I stay humble in that my gift is recognized as just that, and when I get feedback from fans that I have Blessed them with Inspiration and encouragement due to my music, My purpose in pleasing God is my reward. He comes 1st in my life. Without him I would never be able to do all the things that I can. I know it is he that is guiding me at all times and I a truly grateful for that, In that his will be done.
My music since going Solo in 2010 has a new Flavor of Hip Hop Jazz I cross enrich with Multiple Genre Compositions I build upon with Love and Inspirational Lyrics I often meditate on. I enjoy adapting to modern Technology and work at Masterminding High Quality Sound/Visual Platform. I am Building on my Filming and Graphic Editing/ Studio Production Skills and Public Speaking TV/Radio personality. As in addition to Music, I am big fan of Photography and Networking. I would love to in the near future expand into some acting as well.
I would Love for my Legacy to be an inspiration to others to never letanyone ever discourage you in your pursuit of living a life long dream incorporated into a fullfilling life. I am Jazz and personify that as a result of my family history with Jazz and would like the importance of educating children in Jazz and it's history as it came about to be implemented as a must in school curriculuum as well as keep music in schools. My Father always told me, "If You Learn Jazz , you can Branch off and do anything in music. It is a foundation. Once you get it, I mean really get it! You get how music operates with the soul.
I would Like to Thank God First and foremost for being my light along my life pathways andprotector and for Blessing me with this gift, that many times Satan tried to steer me from and convince me I didn't have. I Thank My Children for believing in me and supporting me in the sacrifices we all have made in doing this as a team. My Father, and Grandfather , May they Rest In Peace for passing on the inspiration and motivation in being who they were in regards to music, My Eldest Brother Richard for continuing teaching me Jazz once dad had passed, and lastly but not at all of the least my Beloved Supporters and Fans, People Backing me and Reaching out to me in the Spirit of Love that keeps me doing what I do as an Artist.

T Cali


I'm a music artist/song writer/rapper/producer , I've been making music for about 10 years it's my passion I love doing it, I have several mistakes/projects available for free download on also high quality HD 5D music videos on YouTube. For bookings and serious inquiries please contact

Ace Whitehot
Ace on fire 2

ACE started playing Guitar when he was 9. And old guitar from the pawn shop, but he couldn’t get enough of it. Took classical lessons for 10 years but His love is for Rock music. He played in several bands as a teen, and even won awards. His style is a mix of genres from his many influences. He thinks of himself as a Guitarist and Songwriter first. He only started singing out of necessity, because there was nobody else. Now he creates music to share his love of rock with the world. As a Husband, a Father he doesn’t have the time he once did, but he believes his best music is yet to come. His motto is follow your dreams.

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