tCSA (The Creative Strategy Agency) presents its
Annual Digital Marketing Update "Bootcamp" Workshop
Facebook changes every day. Other platforms, maybe not so often. We all know it. Some of us hate it. But the reality is, you need to stay on top of the ongoing changes for all social media platforms -- so join us....
When: Friday, June 3, 2016  (8 am - 1 pm) 
Who: Host/Speaker: Alfonso Santaniello--a Digital Marketing & Social Media Entrepreneur. He is the President/Chief Strategist of the Creative Strategy Agency.
What you'll learn? This workshop will give businesses, marketers and entrepreneurs an opportunity to stay up to date on the latest changes that happen to the digital marketing and social media in a jam packed bootcamp style session.The bootcamp workshop will be covering the latest in updates across all platforms: things you need to know for your business, where to focus your energy and resources, as well as how to effectively use the platforms as they continuously update.
Updates on:
-Platform algorithms
-Content consumption and engagement
-Platform Analytics
-Social Media Advertising
-Up and coming Social Media platforms
Schedule: Breakfast Refeshments/Lunch Provided
8:00 - 8:30 : Registrations, Breakfast Refreshments
8:30 - 12:00 Workshop
12:00 - 1:00 Q&A Lunch is provided
Where: UMass Center at Springfield - 1500 Main Street, Springfield, MA 01115

Register NOW  --  
Click here:
Use the Discount Code (UNITY) to get $15 off  --
Cost for you with the discount code is $75 -- and
get a FREE 100 page ebook -- which is filled with information,
research and statistics. GREAT RESOURCE
To Register  -- go to


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