Northampton Jazz Workshop News for 3/5/19

Featuring vocalist Samirah Evans and trumpeter Don Anderson for annual Fat Tuesday celebration on Tuesday, March 5th from 7:30 to 8:30
Hi All,
This week we once again celebrate Mardi Gras and the musical heritage of New Orleans with Samirah Evans and Don Anderson. Always a fun party.

The day before, on Monday the 4th, The trio plus Samirah and Don will run a clinic for the Northampton High School Jazz Band and play a school wide assembly the next day with the students. This will be the first installment of the Elliot Ross Jazz in the Schools Program sponsored by the Northampton Jazz Festival and funded entirely with generous donations made in the memory of Elliot who passed last year. Elliot was a bassist and had been part of both the JFK and the NHS jazz bands.

The concert set starts at 7:30, followed immediately by the jam session until 10:30. $5 per person room charge for the concert set. City Sports Grille at Spare Time Northampton, 525 Pleasant St., Northampton, MA. 413-584-4830
Also of Interest:
1. Friday March 1, 7:30pm -  Karrin Allyson and Miro Sprague Duo,
All Souls Church, 399 Main Street, Greenfield MA.
Tickets and info at:

2. Every Sunday there is live jazz at the 350 Grill Steakhouse at 350 Worthington St. in Springfield. This Sunday features vocalist Elaine Woo, bassist Steve Bulmer and pianist Bob Winter of the Boston Pops. 413-439-0666 - no cover
Upcoming Guest Artists:
3/12 - Tim Armacost on saxes
3/19 - Jay Hoggard on vibes with Claire Arenius on drums.
          Two shows -7:30 and 9pm. with no jam session
           no jam session.
3/26 - Roseanna Vitro on vocals with George Schuller on drums
For photos and videos of past NJW shows and related news, events and buzz, please see (and Like us) on FB at:

Peace and Thanks,
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