Northampton Jazz Workshop features saxophonist Jason Robinson and the music of Thelonious Monk Tuesday, November 6th, 7:30 to 8:30PM followed by an open jazz jam session

Northampton Jazz Workshop features saxophonist Jason Robinson and the music of Thelonious Monk Tuesday, November 6th, 7:30 to 8:30PM followed by an open jazz jam session until 10:30 PM at the The City Sports Grille at Spare Time Northampton, 525 Pleasant St., Northampton

Hi All,
This week we are excited to present the music Thelonious Monk featuring Jason Robinson on saxophone. One of the most interesting and influential composers in jazz, Monk's compositions have lived on and continue to challenge and inspire musicians. We will be tackling some of Monks more difficult tunes as well as some that have become part of the standard jazz repertoire. Jason Robinson, besides being a brilliant musician, composer and educator, also produces many local live music events at Amherst College where he teaches and the regular Soundworks Gathering held every first Thursday at the Flywheel in Easthampton. 

I hope you can join us for this trip into the bizarre and fascinating mind of one of Americas greatest composers.

Also, two other events of interest. On Saturday the10th there will be a very special benefit concert at Berkshire Hills Music Academy featuring vocalist Roberta Gambarini and pianist Sullivan Fortner. Then on this Friday and Saturday, November 2 and 3 the Vermont Jazz Center will present it's Emerging Artists Festival. Please see attached posters for more info.

Also tonight: Soundworks Gathering -
Upcoming Guest Artists: 
11/6   - Jason Robinson on sax with a special all Monk set
11/13 - Marty Ehrlich on saxes and flute
11/20 - Roseanna Vitro on vocals
11/27 - Giacomo Gates on vocals

The concert set starts at 7:30, followed immediately by the jam session until 10:30. $5 per person room charge for the concert set. City Sports Grille at Spare Time Northampton, 525 Pleasant St., Northampton, MA. 413-584-4830
For photos and videos of past NJW shows and related news, events and buzz, please see (and Like us) on FB at: onJazzWorkshop 
Peace and Thanks,


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