American Heart Association - The Power of YOU
How your donation is making a difference. | May 2018
Getting to the Heart of Stroke Prevention
May is American Stroke Month. Did you know that 80 percent of strokes are preventable? Thanks to your support, we've learned that exercising and eating a complete and nutritious diet can help lessen your risk. And, when stroke does strike, we also know how to spot the warning signs F.A.S.T. Watch for: Face drooping, Arm weakness, Speech difficulty, Time to call 9-1-1. It can mean the difference between life and death.
These 5 things can help you live longer
Research you make possible shows why it makes sense to prioritize prevention over treatment.
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Sudden cardiac arrest isn't always sudden
Thanks to you, we now know there can be warning signals in the hours – even weeks – beforehand.
Learn the Signals
This Florida mom never
saw it coming
Alyssa didn't have any risk factors or family history. But now she's in recovery after a stroke.
Meet Alyssa
Heart Fit for Life!
Focus on the Food
Eat healthier by slowing down and taking it all in.
Grilled Salmon Tacos
Avocado cabbage slaw is a refreshing touch to this heart-healthy dinner.
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