Be EmPOWERED to learn how to save a life this June during National CPR and AED Awareness week!

EmPOWERED To Serve™ is a movement driving health transformation in multicultural communities for improved health outcomes.
June 2017 
Hands-Only CPR

Did you know?
Latinos and African-Americans are 30 to 50 percent less likely to have bystander CPR performed on them in an event of an emergency.  

Be EmPOWERED to learn how to save a life this June during National CPR and AED Awareness week! Hands-Only CPR only takes 90 sec. and it's easy. Be the difference for someone you love because 90 sec. can make the difference between life and death.

Learn more about CPR and AED Awareness Week.

Save A Life
to this Beat!

Don't skip
the workout! 

An apple a day
keeps the doc away!  

Music = Life
Master Plan
Fruit and Veggie Month
Save a life to the beat of your favorite songs with the #EmPoweredToServe HOCPR Playlist Coming June 1st. Learn more about HOCPR.Meet the #EmPoweredToServe crew in Chicago at the Memorial Day Master Plan! Meet and workout with #GoRedGetFit trainer, Lita Lewis, win EmPowered To Serve gear, and check your blood pressure.Are you adding enough color to your plate? June is National Fruit and Vegetable Month and the AHA wants you to add those fruits and veggies to your meals. Learn more here.


Did you know?
Spotting a stroke F.A.S.T can make the difference between a full recovery and long-term disability. 

Do you know how to spot a stroke F.A.S.T.? Test your skills with this quiz! After you learn the signs be EmPOWERED to teach others how to spot a stroke with F.A.S.T. because time loss is brain loss.

Learn more about F.A.S.T. here.

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Social Determinant of Health #1 - Food Desert
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Food desert (n) - parts of the country vapid of fresh fruit, vegetables, and other healthful whole foods, usually found in impoverished areas. Two transit stops or 5 miles from fresh food options.
This is largely due to a lack of grocery stores, farmers' markets, and healthy food providers.
The American Heart Association recognizes that to make the largest health impact, the AHA must serve as a catalyst to achieve maximum impact in equitable health and wellbeing. To dramatically improve health impact in multicultural communities, we need YOU to advocate for access to healthy foods in your community.
Take us home just like National Power Ambassador and Music Executive, Shanti Das does in Take Me Home Ep. 1. Shanti exposes us to her reality of growing up in a food desert and the effects it had in her community.
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June is CPR Month

This CPR and AED Awareness week, join the EmPOWERED To Serve movement in enhancing the chain of survival in multicultural communities. It's easy to learn and help increase a loved one's chances of survival by using tools found on the CPR and AED Awareness page on
You can choose your level of involvement, and no matter how big or small your contribution, YOU can make and BE the difference in your community. To take a stand in your community do the following:

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Get a glimpse into 
    • June 18 - Father's Day
    • June 22 - #BlackMenLove Twitter Chat
    • June 28 - July 1 - MegaFest

    icon_presenter_31X21Visit the homepage, pick an action and make an impact.
    icon_box arrow_28X24Share social media messages and infographics found on the "CPR and AED Awareness Page" throughout the month.
    icon_4 peeps_33X21Encourage your squad (friends) to become ambassadors.
    icon_iPhone_14X26Follow us on Facebook@empoweredtoserveShare how you are changing perceptions through pictures & stories.

    CPR Saves LivesDavid Martinez recalled watching a Hands-Only CPR video and put his knowledge into action to help save a coworker's life. Read.

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