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SC e-Extra / A Digital Monthly Newsletter from Strokeconnection
September 2016
This fall the American Heart Association|American Stroke Association's CycleNation-a community of cyclists and friends on a quest to put the brakes on stroke-is taking over a community near you. How? By turning the motion of cycling into a movement for healthy living.

From pop-up events at a CycleBar near you, to full weekends of cycling events in Denver, Dallas, Cincinnati and Atlanta, we're riding together to push harder for prevention and treatment and pulling together to start a revolution in health.

Whether we ride because we survived a stroke or heart event, or we're doing it in memory of someone who didn't, we all want to stick around longer and stronger-to be there for our loved ones and show up for Life. Join us-as a CycleNation squad leader, rider or donor. (Or, better still, all of the above.) Find out more at
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Speechless No More!
For Phyllis Weiss, each sound she painstakingly - but patiently - forms is a triumph. In her quiet, halting delivery is an underlying strength and vitality. Qualities that carried her through an entire year of silence. Digital Edition | Web
Making an Impact in Illinois
Stroke Survivors Empowering Each Other, Inc. (SSEEO) offers support but isn't your traditional stroke support group. SSEEO has grown into a nonprofit that provides advocacy, support, education and resources to stroke families.
Digital Edition | Web
Reader Alert - Be Aware of Fake Online Pharmacies
Online pharmacies can be an easy and affordable way to stay on track with your prescription medicines. But it's important to be a savvy consumer because fake online pharmacies are a growing problem. Digital Edition | Web
Forever Young by Comedian and Stroke Survivor, John Kawie
Something arrived from Social Security: "This is to inform you that we no longer consider you Disabled. As of now you are officially just Old. Your benefits will be decreased accordingly." Seriously? Digital Edition | Web
7 Tips to eat less salt!
When it comes to sodium, many of us could benefit from eating less salt. A new scientific statement has identified sensitivity to salt as an emerging cardiovascular risk factor. Learn how to reduce your sodium intake with these simple tips.
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Your Story in SC
Become a contributor! Stroke Connection accepts and encourages submissions from stroke survivors and their families. We look forward to reading yours. Learn how to submit your story today.
World Stroke Day is October 29th! Did you know this marks the 10th year of the observance? In honor of this special day and all stroke survivors, caregivers and supporters please enjoy a free Stroke Solidarity String with your $65 purchase on ShopHeart.
What's at the heart of my stroke?
A stroke of unknown cause, or cryptogenic stroke, provides few answers. With proper treatment and collaboration with your physician, you can take action to find the cause and help prevent another stroke from occurring. Download our free patient guide and learn more.      1-888-4-STROKE (888-478-7653)       ©2016 American Heart Association
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